Island Ram Chevrolet Commercial

Get Ready for Winter!

Island Ram Chevrolet Commercial is Here to Help You Get Ready for Winter

Prepare for Winter

Preparing for winter in the Staten Island area is easy when you have help from the pros at our Mopar service center. We're familiar with what winter can do here at our dealership, and we're well-equipped to help you get your car ready for the challenges that winter driving brings. Tackle winter with confidence when you bring your car to our service center for winterization!

What kinds of services does your car need to get it ready for winter? Here are a few of the top winter services that we recommend:

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Battery Test

Have you ever gotten up on a chilly winter morning and discovered that your car refused to start? It's a common occurrence, especially around Brooklyn, where it can get bitter cold. Car batteries have a harder time starting your car in winter because the cold saps their strength. If your battery is weak, it might not have the energy needed to get your car running, which is why regular battery tests are so important. We can test your battery and catch potential problems before they surprise you right when you have somewhere to be and you're already running late.

If your battery needs to be replaced, we have an inventory of genuine Mopar parts at the ready.

Oil Change

Scheduling regular oil changes is essential because it helps to ensure that your engine runs smoothly. Winter is also a great time to consider using a lighter oil that is made to work better in cold temperatures. Whether you need a new oil type or just a typical oil change, you can count on our team to get the job done.

Brake Check

You always want your brakes to be in excellent shape so that you can stop effectively when you need to, but it's especially important in winter. Wintry roads can be slippery, so it's critical that your brakes are as strong as possible. We can check your brakes and replace worn components with genuine Mopar parts from our stock.

Winter Tires

Do you know what makes winter tires… well, winter tires? They're made of a softer rubber compound, which grants them more flexibility in cold weather. More flexibility means better traction. They also have tread patterns that are deeper and wider, making them the perfect candidates for driving on snowy, slushy roads. We can take care of your tire changeover for you.


Coolant, also known as antifreeze, is what helps to regulate your engine's temperature. Your engine can overheat, even during an NYC winter, so it's important to make sure that your coolant levels are good. We can check your coolant and top it off.

Belt and Hose Check

Your car's belts and hoses wear out over time. They can grow brittle and crack, and this kind of wear and tear can cause all sorts of issues during your daily drive around Woodbridge, NJ. Our team of experts can check all your belts and hoses, and we can replace anything that is worn out.

Schedule Service

Ready to make an appointment at our service center? Our team is ready to help! We can handle a wide range of winter services, and we can even take care of the little things like adjusting your tire pressure and swapping out your worn wiper blades for fresh ones. Be sure to check out our service specials and explore opportunities to save on service near Jersey City and Newark, NJ.

We look forward to helping you prepare your car for winter, and we're eager to offer you the peace of mind that comes with a winterized vehicle.

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